This is the 1st item
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This is the 2nd item
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Effective as of January 1, 2024
This document describes TX C.U.R.E.’s (“C.U.R.E.”) use of information regarding the prisoners and families we serve, financial 
supporters of our mission, supporters under the age of 18, and general visitors to our website.
General User Privacy PolicyThisprivacypolicyappliestogeneralusersoftheC.U.R.E.websiteanddescribeshowC.U.R.E.protectstheinformationyouprovide
whenyou use this website.
Although elements of this policy may apply to the prisoners and the families we serve, their caregivers, and our donors who visit our
website, we do collect additional data from these groups of people. Please see those specific privacy policies below.
C.U.R.E. is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. It is our goal that you fully understand how we collect information, how 
we use that information, and the steps we take to protect that information. We will update this policy from time to time, so make sure to 
check this page periodically.
If you have any questions about this policy, please email us at
What type of information does C.U.R.E. collect? 
There are two basic types of information that C.U.R.E. might collect: personal and non-personal information. 
Personal Information: As you browse the C.U.R.E. website, you may opt to provide C.U.R.E. with personal information such as your
name, address, phone number, or email address. C.U.R.E. may also collect information you communicate with us, including when you
contact C.U.R.E. through our various online, phone, chat, or application channels for information or assistance. We may record your call
or maintain a transcript of the communication for training and quality assurance purposes.
Non-Personal Information: C.U.R.E. may collect non-personal information from you such as an internet protocol address (typically referred 
to as an “IP address,” and defined below) and browsing variables (like your web browser, referral links, or how much time you spent at our
website). Although this information may be used to identify you, C.U.R.E. typically uses this information to improve your experience and
the experience of other visitors to our website. C.U.R.E. may use cookies to collect this type of information.
What’s a cookie? A cookie is a small data file that individual websites store on your computer’s hard drive – if your web browser permits.
The website can later retrieve that cookie to let us know you’ve been to our site before, among other things. Cookies typically make your
use of the site easier, make the site run more smoothly, and help us to maintain a secure site. Many websites use cookies. You are free to 
decline our cookies if your browser permits, but some parts of our site may not work properly if you do that.
What’s an IP address? An IP address is a unique number, assigned to each and every computer and other device on the Internet. Your
computer, your phone, your e-reader, and other electronic devices, are all assigned IP addresses.
This website uses the services of Mad Hatter Ventures, Inc. For more information regarding Mad Hatter Ventures, click here: California
Residents section.
When does C.U.R.E. collect this information? 
We collect non-personal information from you as you use any of the pages on our website. We collect personal information from you only
when you specifically provide it to us or connect with us through one of our various online, phone, chat, or application channels for
information or assistance.
How does C.U.R.E. use the information we collect?
C.U.R.E. uses information from different site visitors in different ways. We use information provided to us through the donation process
in accordance with the Donor Privacy Policy; we use information provided to us by the prisoners and caregivers we serve in accordance
with the Prisoners and Caregiver Privacy Policy. Both policies may be found below.We use personal information provided by general users of our website who are not prisoners or caregivers and are not engaging in the
donation process. We might, for example, ask for your information if you contact a local C.U.R.E. representative or if you upload a 
personal video message to our prisoners. Providing your contract information will help C.U.R.E. in providing services to you, such as
providing you with information, resources, and support services that you may request. 
We may also use your personal and non-personal information in the following ways: 
Communicating with you to obtain your input, provide information about our programs and events, or request contributions 
(provided you have opted to receive such communications).
Improving our programs and services.
Customizing our website according to your interests.
Sharing information with third parties (as listed below) who help us manage our website and databases, and who assist us with our
marketing efforts.
Sharing information with third parties as required by law, or as part of a legal process.
Third Parties: C.U.R.E. uses third parties such as Host Gator, Envato, Google, Microsoft/Bing, Meta, and the Trade Desk to monitor certain
pages of our website for the purpose of reporting web traffic, statistics, advertisement “click-throughs,” and other activities on our
website. No personally identifiable data is transferred to these third parties by us. Where authorized by us, these third parties may use
cookies and/or other monitoring technologies to compile anonymous statistics about our website visitors.
Non-personal Information: We also reserve the right to use non-personal information, such as an IP address, to identify a user when we 
believe it is necessary to protect the compelling interests of our websites, the prisoners we serve, their caregivers, our donors, our
employees, or others, or to comply with laws, court orders, or law enforcement requests.
Does C.U.R.E. share my information?
C.U.R.E. may share your personal and non-personal information as discussed herein. We do not sell or rent the personal information of
our general website users for profit. Additionally, we do not share mobile phone numbers unless you specifically authorize us to do so (or
unless we are required to do so by applicable law or regulation).
Does C.U.R.E. track my online activity while I’m not on the C.U.R.E. site?
Cookies and other technology may be used to track non-personal information about your web-browsing habits. For example, if a
significant portion of our visitors all browse to the same website immediately after visiting us, we may use this information to improve
your experience at our site.
C.U.R.E. respects web browser “do not track” signals and other mechanisms that provide you the ability to opt out of having your personal
information or online activities collected. But remember, unless you have selected the “do not track” function in your web browser, third
parties (not just C.U.R.E.) may collect personal information about your online activities over time and across different websites.
How does C.U.R.E. secure my personal information?
C.U.R.E. is committed to ensuring that your personal information is secure. Your trust in us is important, so we have put in place
physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect. Records containing personal
information are stored at secure facilities; our websites use SSL (a tool used to verify the legitimacy of a website); and our employees are
provided training on how to treat your data securely.
Will C.U.R.E. contact me?
If you provide us with your contact information, we may provide you with information about how you can help this generation of injured
prisoners. However, if you would not like to receive these messages, you have the right to opt out of having your personal information
used for certain purposes when we ask for your contact information. Information on how to opt out of having your personal information
used for certain purposes is stated below.
Sometimes,we’ll provideyouwith alink toanotherwebsiteor service.Wetypicallydothis in ordertoprovideyouadditional information
about oneofour sponsorsorotherswhosupportthemissionof C.U.R.E..
C.U.R.E. may also include other electronic services on our website. For example, this could include a tool that allows you to contact your
local politicians, or to create a custom message to send to prisoners. These services are typically provided by third parties and may require 
you to agree to that service provider’s own privacy statement and terms of use. This policy – the one you’re reading right now – does not
cover third-party services or how those third parties may use the information you provide them. We encourage you to review those
privacy policies and terms of use.Do you collect information about minors?
Yes, in limited circumstances, C.U.R.E. collects information from general users under the age of 18. Please see our Minor Privacy Policy
Your Privacy Rights
Under some U.S. state laws, residents may have a right to the following:
Right of Portability: You may request that we disclose the categories and/or specific pieces of personal information that we collect,
use, disclose, and may rent, and, in some circumstances, have that data provided to you so that you can provide or “port” that data
to another provider.
Right toOpt Out: Youhave the right toopt out of having your personal information collected by C.U.R.E..
Right to Correction:Youhavetheright torequest that we correct anypersonal information that we have collectedfrom you.
Right toDeletion:Youhavethe right toaskC.U.R.E.todeleteany personal informationfrom you.
In order to exercise these rights, please see below.
How long does C.U.R.E. store my information?
The period during which C.U.R.E. stores your personal information varies, depending on the purpose for the processing of the
information, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, regulatory, tax, accounting, or reporting requirements. In all other cases,
we store your personal information until you request that your information be partially or completely deleted, as stated below.
How do I opt out of receiving messages from C.U.R.E., or request that my
personal information be corrected or deleted from C.U.R.E.?
Opt out:
You can stop receiving messages by following the instructions included in the message, or by emailing us at
Corrections/ updates: 
You can request corrections to your personal information by sending a detailed email
YoucanrequestthatpersonalinformationbedeletedfromC.U.R.E.bysending a detailed
Please note that we are required to verify your identity to process your request, and we reserve the right to confirm your state residency. 
We may require you to provide additional information in order to verify your identity. We reserve the right to deny your request if we
cannot verify your identity. You may designate an authorized agent to submit your verified request by providing written permission and
verifying your identity, or through proof of power of attorney. 
We will provide a response to your request within 45 calendar days of receiving your request or provide you with a reason for any
potential need for an extension period in writing.
What if I have questions about this policy?
Please email us at with any questions about this policy. You can also mail us a letter at TX C.U.R.E. 11900 
Jollyville Rd., #200804, Austin, TX 78720,Attention:Legal.
Prisoner and Caregiver Privacy Policy ThisPrisoner and Caregiver PrivacyPolicy applies to prisoners and their caregivers who register with C.U.R.E. to receive the benefits
of C.U.R.E. programs and services. If you register for our programs and services, rest assured that we use industry- standard
safeguards to protect your data, including firewalls, physical safeguards, and encryption.ThispolicydescribeshowTX C.U.R.E., Inc.,protectsinformationthatprisonersandtheir caregiversprovideinconjunctionwith
their registration with C.U.R.E., and applies regardless of whether the registration occurred online, over the phone, or in person. 
Throughout this privacy policy, or the “policy,” prisoners and their caregivers who register for C.U.R.E.’s programs and services may be
referred to as “Prisoners,”“Caregivers,”or simply“you.”
This policy may supplement the General User Privacy Policy (above), which covers all users of the C.U.R.E. website. Although this policy is
intended to complement that General User Privacy Policy, this policy applies specifically to information you provide us in conjunction with
your registration or your status as an Prisoners or Caregiver. This policy also supplements the Donor Privacy Policy (below), which
applies to any information you provide in conjunction with a donation to C.U.R.E.. For example, if you navigate to a donation page on our
website and make a contribution to C.U.R.E., the information you provide during your donation will be stored in accordance with the
Donor Privacy Policy. If you navigate to the registration page and register as a Prisoner, that data will be used in accordance with this
policy. If you provide us additional information relating to your participation in our programs and services, that information will also be
governed by this policy.
It is our goal that you fully understand how we collect information, how we use that information, and the steps we take to protect that
information.Wewillupdatethis policy fromtime totime, so make suretocheck this page periodically.If youhave any questions about
What type of information does C.U.R.E. collect? 
Prior to C.U.R.E. collecting information from you as a Prisoner or Family support member, some U.S. state laws require that you opt in to
providing C.U.R.E. with certain “sensitive” information. Although not always collected by C.U.R.E., sensitive information may include 
racial or ethnic origin, a mental or physical health condition or diagnosis, citizenship or citizenship status.
Depending on whether you are a Prisoner or Family Support member, C.U.R.E. may collect or request different information from you.
Prisoners: As a Prisoners, you will be asked for your TDCJ information, such as your number, current institution, and any restrictions. We
will also ask for your family member contact information, such as name, email address, telephone number, and mailing address.
Pursuant to applicable state law, and upon obtaining the proper opt-ins (if applicable), we will also ask other identifying information, such
as date of birth, gender, and type and location of your injury. Lastly, we’ll ask you for eligibility documentation. This may include a copy of 
grievances, I-60’s, court documents, OJT certificates, other education documents, parole packet information, medical evaluation board or
physical evaluation board, current unit responses to your inquiry/complaint.
Family Support: Pursuant to applicable state law, and upon obtaining proper opt-ins (if applicable), when you register as a Family
Support member, you will be asked for your relationship status with an eligible prisoner (e.g., whether you are related to or supporting
an incarcerated veteran. We’ll ask for information about the prisoner you support, including name and inmate details, such as
number, unit, disciplinary history. 
We will also ask you for your contact information, such as name, email address, telephone number, and mailing address, as well as other
identifying information like date of birth and gender.
Lastly, we will ask you for relationship documentation of the prisoner you support. This may include a copy of your TDCJ Visitation Portal 
Login/Registration, HIPAA authorization or other relevant documentation.
Once you are registered as a Family Support member, depending on your level of involvement with our services, we may ask you for
additional information. This may include questions about who you have contacted to resolve an issue and the response
Whether you attempt to register as a Prisoner or Family Support member, in certain circumstances, C.U.R.E. may gather information
about you from publicly available resources like public records and social media.
When does C.U.R.E. collect this information? 
We collect your contact information and service details when you register for C.U.R.E.’s programs and services. This can be done online
through our website, in person with a C.U.R.E. employee, or over the phone. We may collect the additional information mentioned
above through conversations with you. Though you are not required to provide this information, your ability to participate in a particularprogram or service may be impacted if we don’t have relevant information. For example, if you are interested in participating in one of our
Family Practice Program™ we may ask you for a HIPAA release and your current medical condition. 
We may also be provided information about you from other groups who refer you to us to take advantage of our programs and services.
They will typically notify you and seek your consent before providing us with such information. No matter how we receive your
information, rest assured that we will use it in accordance with this policy.
How does C.U.R.E. use the information we collect?
Generally, C.U.R.E. uses this information to tailor our programs and services to fit your needs. We will use your eligibility documentation
to ensure whether you are eligible to receive C.U.R.E.’s program services.
Wewill use your contact information and otherinformation that we collect forthe following reasons:
For internal recordkeeping, reporting, and data analysis.
Tocommunicate with you toobtain yourinput and provideinformation about our programs and services.
To improve our programs and services.
To customize our website according to your interests.
To share information with third parties who help us deliver our programs and services.
To share information with third parties who deliver their own programs and services to prisoners and their caregivers.
Please note that, although C.U.R.E. may share information with third parties, C.U.R.E. does not share personally identifiable
information with third parties without your prior consent.
How does C.U.R.E. share my information?
C.U.R.E. shares your personal and non-personal information only as discussed above. We will not share your information with a third
party that does not provide services (or help us provide services) to our Prisoners and Family Support members, nor for the purpose of
adding you to a mailing list.
We will never sell or rent your personal information for profit.
C.U.R.E. will not share your mobile phone number with a third party unless you specifically permit us to (or if we have to share it in order 
to comply with law or regulation).
This policy does not apply toanyinformationthat youprovidetothesethird parties, and we encourage you toask thosethirdparties any
questionsyoumayhaveabouttheiruseof yourdata.
How does C.U.R.E. secure my personal information? 
We have put in place physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect. Records 
containing personal information are stored at secure facilities; our websites use SSL (a tool used to verify the legitimacy of a website); and
we train our employees on how to treat your data securely. Additionally, when C.U.R.E. shares your information with third parties (as
mentioned above), C.U.R.E. takes reasonable steps to ensure that the third party has sufficient safeguards in place to protect your
Will you use my information to contact me?
Yes. From time to time, a C.U.R.E. employee will reach out to you to confirm your contact information and ensure that you are taking
advantage of our programs and services. We will also send you regular information regarding programs and services available in your
How long does C.U.R.E. store my information?
The period during which C.U.R.E. stores your personal information varies, depending on the purpose for the processing of the
information, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, regulatory, tax, accounting, or reporting requirements. In all other cases,
we store your personal information until you request that your information be partially or completely deleted, as stated below.
How do I correct my information or have my information deleted?
Opt out:If you receive communications from C.U.R.E. and would like to stop receiving communications from us, please let us know by following the
instructions included in the message. This may include following the link contained in an email address (for example, an “unsubscribe”
link at the bottom of the email), or texting “STOP” after receiving an automated text message from us.
Alternatively, you can call our corporate office at 512.729.1998.
Corrections/ updates: 
Youcanrequestcorrectionstoyourpersonalinformationby sendingadetailedemail to
YoucanrequestpersonalinformationbedeletedfromC.U.R.E.bysendingadetailedemail to
Please note that we are required to verify your identity to process your request, and we reserve the right to confirm your state residency. 
We may require you to provide additional information in order to verify your identity. We reserve the right to deny your request if we
cannot verify your identity. You may be a prisoner’s designated agent or designate an authorized agent to submit your verified request 
by providing written permission and verifying your identity, or through proof of power of attorney. 
We will provide a response to your request within 45 calendar days of receiving your request, or provide you a reason for any potential
need for an extension period in writing.
Do you collect information about minors?
C.U.R.E. does not knowingly collect, use, or disclose personal information about Prisoners or Caregivers who are under 18 years of age.
What if I have questions about this FAQ? 
We would be happy to hear from you. Please email us at with any questions about this policy. You can also mail us
a letter at TX C.U.R.E., Inc., 11900 Jollyville Rd., #200804, Austin, TX 78720
Donor Privacy Policy This privacy policy applies to C.U.R.E. supporters and describes how C.U.R.E. uses information you provide when you make a donation to
us or sign up to receive emails (the “Donation Process”). When you provide us your information, rest assured that C.U.R.E. uses industry- 
standard security measures, including encryption, firewalls, and physical security to protect your data.
Please remember that this policy applies to information provided by supporters during the Donation Process. Prisoners who register for
our programs and services can find more information at the Prisoners and Caregiver Privacy Policy, while users of the website should
review the General PrivacyPolicy.(Both policies can be found above.) For example, if you register for C.U.R.E.’s programs and services,
and also make a donation to C.U.R.E., the information you provide during your registration will be used in accordance with the
Prisoners and Caregiver Privacy Policy, while the information you provide while making your donation will be used in accordance with
this policy. Other information may be gathered in accordance with our General User Privacy Policy.
It is our goal that you fully understand how we collect information, how we use that information, and the steps we take to protect that
information.Wewillupdatethis policy fromtime totime, so make suretocheck this page periodically.If youhave any questions about
What type of information does C.U.R.E. collect?
During the Donation Process, C.U.R.E. will likely ask for information that could be used to identify you. This includes your contact
information, such as your name, mailing address, phone number, and email address. If you donate via credit or debit card, we will also ask
for your card number, expiration date, and other information necessary to process the transaction. If you donate via check, we may ask for
limited bank information.When does C.U.R.E. collect this information?
Wecollect this informationfrom you duringthe DonationProcess.If you donate online, your donation will not be processed without
certainrequiredinformation.Wemayalso collectinformation aswecommunicatewithyouafter yourdonationismade.Thirdparties
how weaccessyourinformation,we’lluseitonlyinaccordancewiththispolicy.
How does C.U.R.E. use the information we collect? 
We generally use your information to process donations, send you periodic messages, and share with other parties for the purpose of
furthering our mission, as required by law, or as part of a legal process. C.U.R.E. uses donor information in multiple ways, including: 
Entering your information into our databases for internal recordkeeping, reporting, and data analysis.
Communicating with you to obtain your input, provide you with information, or request contributions (provided you have not opted
out of receiving such communications).
Providing you with necessary tax information regarding your donation.
Customizing our website according to your interests.
Sharing information with third parties who provide goods and services to C.U.R.E. (e.g., parties who process donations or help us
manage our website and databases, such as CharityEngine and Digital Management Inc. (“DMI”).
Sharing information with third parties to help inform you of other groups you may wish to support.
Does C.U.R.E. share my information?
C.U.R.E. may share your personal information as discussed herein. When C.U.R.E. shares information with outside organizations, it does
so subject toappropriateconfidentialityrulesorother stateregulationsdesignedtoprotect yourinformationfromunintentional
Please note, however, that C.U.R.E. will not share your mobile phone number with a third party unless you specifically permit us to do so
(or if we have to share it in order to comply with law or regulation).
Will you contact me if I give C.U.R.E. my information?
Yes. C.U.R.E. will send you messages about how we are serving prisoners and family members, and how you can help. You can opt out of
receiving these messages as discussed below in the section titled “Can I opt out of receiving messages and sharing of my information?”
Can I opt out of receiving messages and sharing of my information?
Yes. We provide you with the opportunity to opt out of having your personal information used for certain purposes when we ask for this
If you would like to stop receiving communications from C.U.R.E., you may opt out of receiving such messages by following the
instructions included in the message itself. This may include following the link contained in an email address (for example, an
“unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the email), or texting “STOP” after receiving an automated text message from us. Alternatively, you
can email us at .
If you would like to opt out of all communications, please contact us immediately.
If you would like to opt out of sharing personal information with other organizations, please contact us immediately.
How does C.U.R.E. secure my personal information?
C.U.R.E. strives to ensure the security of your personal information. Your trust in us is important, so we have put in place physical,
electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect. Records containing personal information are 
stored at secure facilities; our websites use SSL (a tool used to verify the legitimacy of a website); and we train our employees about how 
to treat yourdata securely.
If you make a donation over the phone or on our website, C.U.R.E. utilizes industry-standard safeguards to protect your information,
including encryption, network firewalls, and physical security.
How long does C.U.R.E. store my information?
The period during which C.U.R.E. stores your personal information varies, depending on the purpose for the processing of the
information, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, regulatory, tax, accounting, or reporting requirements. In all other cases,
we store your personal information until you request that your information be partially or completely deleted as stated below.
How do I update or delete my information? 
Youcanrequest correctionstoyourpersonal information,orrequestthat yourinformationbedeletedfromour systemsbysending a
detailed email to 
Please note that we are required to verify your identity to process your request, and we reserve the right to confirm your state residency. 
We may require you to provide additional information in order to verify your identity. We reserve the right to deny your request if we
cannot verify your identity. You may designate an authorized agent to submit your verified request by providing written permission and verifying your identity, or through proof of power of attorney. 
We will provide a response to your request within 45 calendar days of receiving your request or provide you a reason for any potential need for an extension period in writing.
Do you collect information about minors?
Yes, in limited circumstances C.U.R.E. collects information from supporters who are under the age of 18. Please see our Minor Privacy Policy below.
What if I have questions about this FAQ? 
Please email us at with any questions about this policy. You can also mail us a letter at TX C.U.R.E., Inc., 11900 
Jollyville Rd., #200804, Austin, TX 78720
Minor Privacy Policy This privacy policy applies to C.U.R.E. supporters who are under the age of 18. Note that when we receive information from you, your
minor child, or your child’s guardian, C.U.R.E. will continue to use industry-standard security measures, including encryption, firewalls,
and physical security, to protect your data. In short, C.U.R.E. applies the same security measures to minor data as we do for our general 
supporters, but uses the data for more limited purposes.
C.U.R.E. collects data about minors wishing to support C.U.R.E. through specific channels designed to allow minor participation, such
as during registration for C.U.R.E.’s Youth Ambassadors Program™ during registration as a Youth Ambassador. Our goal is to ensure
that you fully understand how we use this information. We will update this policy from time to time, so make sure to check this page 
periodically. If you have any questions, email us at

What type of information does C.U.R.E. collect?

C.U.R.E. will ask for information that could be used to identify you. This includes your contact information, such as your name, mailing
address, phone number, and email address. If you’re registering for the Youth Ambassadors Program™, you will also be asked to provide 
a credit or debit card number, expiration date, and other information necessary to process the transaction. If you are a minor, you will
need your parent’s or guardian’s written permission to enroll and for them to provide their payment information.

When does C.U.R.E. collect this information? 

We collect this information from you during the registration process for the Youth Ambassadors Program™. We may also collect
information as we communicate with you after your registration. Third parties may also share your information with C.U.R.E., in
accordance with applicable laws, rules, and standards. Rest assured that, no matter how we access your information, we’ll use it only in
accordance with this policy.

How does C.U.R.E. use the information we collect? 

We generally use your information to process registration and donations, to send you periodic messages, and to share with other parties
for the purpose of furthering our mission, as required by law, or as part of a legal process. C.U.R.E. may use your information in the
following ways: 
Entering your information into our databases for internal recordkeeping, reporting, and data analysis.
Communicatingwithyoutoobtainyourinputand provideyouwithinformationabout yourYouth Ambassador, or other
Updating you on other events or programs you might be interested in attending or participating in.
Providingyouwithnecessarytaxinformationregardingyourdonation.Customizing our website according to your interests.
Sharing information with third parties who provide goods and services to C.U.R.E. (e.g., parties who process donations or help us
manage our website and databases).

Does C.U.R.E. share my information?

C.U.R.E. may share your personal information as discussed herein. When C.U.R.E. shares information with outside organizations, it does
so subject to appropriate confidentiality rules designed to protect your information from unintentional disclosure. Please note, however, 
that C.U.R.E. will not share your mobile phone number with a third party unless you specifically permit us to (or if we have to share it in
order to comply with law or regulation).

Does C.U.R.E. use my information for other purposes once I turn 18?

Yes. Once you turn 18, C.U.R.E. will treat your information in accordance with our Donor Privacy Policy.

Does C.U.R.E. use information about children under 13 for any specific

C.U.R.E. treats information about children under 13 with special care. Children under 13 are not allowed to register themselves as Youth
Ambassadors or for any other fundraising efforts. A parent or guardian must provide opt-in consent before C.U.R.E. can collect or
process any information for children under 13. Subject to applicable state law, if you are registering a child under 13 for the Youth 
Ambassadors Program™, C.U.R.E. will only communicate with that child to provide communications about the event for which he or
she is registered. It is C.U.R.E. policy to delete information, other than enrolled members about children under 13 approximately 30 days
following the event for which they are registered.

Can I opt out of receiving messages and sharing of my information?

Yes. Please see information above in our Donor Privacy Policy.

How does C.U.R.E. secure my personal information?

C.U.R.E. will use the same security methods as discussed above in our Donor Privacy Policy.

How do I update my information? 

Please contact the using this form:

Will you contact me if I give C.U.R.E. my information?

Yes. As discussed above, C.U.R.E. will send you information specifically about the event for which you are registered, whether you have
registered as a Youth Ambassador just expressed interest. You can opt out of receiving these messages as discussed above in the “Can I
opt out of receiving messages and sharing of my information?” section above. It is C.U.R.E. policy not to directly solicit monetary
contributions from supporters under 18.

What if I have questions about this policy?

Please email us at with any questions about this policy. You can also mail us a letter at TX C.U.R.E., Inc., 11900 
Jollyville Rd., #200804, Austin, TX 78720.


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