Veteran Inmate Advocacy

The challenges of transition for many of our veterans demands our attention.

Transitioning back to a normalized civilian life can be an especially tough for our veterans. For many this creates vacancies that are filled with poor decisions leading to incarceration.  Recognizing this fact, TX C.U.R.E. is fighting for those that society has left behind. With our key partners, we are fighting for these veterans facing the challenges of facing the decisions they made. Insuring that their treatment while incarcerated is honorable.

Ensuring access to programs for rehabilitation and recovery after incarceration is paramount.  From job training and education to general support for their families while serving their time is a comfort to those that sacrificed the most for all of us.

Concerned for the well being of our incarcerated veterans TX C.U.R.E. is a strong advocate for reforming the criminal justice system through social advocacy.  Texas is the leader in the nation on wrongful conviction exonerations (466).  This impacts all of us that are innocent and advocating to ensure that those who are innocent get their day in court and have a voice in their darkness.  

One example of how advocacy can provide results and improve the lives of inmates is the effort that everyone agrees with, is the State not in keeping with the constitutional standards required for the correction system.  In 2018, the Texas department of criminal justice (TDCJ) settled a prisoner class action lawsuit over excessive heat in violation of the Eighth Amendment. This came about because prisoners, not sentenced to the penalty of death, many of which had chronic medical conditions, died due to extreme heat conditions.  In 2023, there were over 100 extreme heat deaths with several of those who died being, in fact, state employees, on duty, and unreasonably and unnecessarily subjected to these excessive heat conditions.   There are hundreds of these unconstitutional violations continuously inflicted on prisoners of the TDCJ and this must be addressed.  

The Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA) sets the guidelines for pursuing complaints against unjust and unconstitutional acts committed by the government and its agents.  Educating the prisoners and their families on policies and procedures is imperative to understanding the processes for seeking a just remedy.  Advocacy also comes in representing victims and addressing statutory and constitutional violations, including waste fraud and abuse issues with the specific legislative and State oversight committees & agencies.  TX C.U.R.E. is here to ensure that not only every inmate is protected, but to also focus greatly on those who served us first.


Your Donation regardless of the amount may just be what they need.

With specific needs in all of the programs we offer, your donation can make a world of difference to a family struggling with events that they did not cause.  Faced with the realities of the justice system and it's impact on the Family unit, these families and children need your help.  

Make a difference today with your donation. As a non-profit we can only continue to make change happen with your help. Make the decision to donate now.   No donation is too small.


Help comes in many forms and it all starts with you.

Understanding that not everyone can afford a monthly commitment given the state of the economy today, You can still help.  We have many programs that we are continuing to build out and we need volunteers.  Maybe you have a business service you can offer to support our efforts. Maybe you want to take a leadership role in your region.  

You've already made the first step, now just reach out to us and we will answer any questions you may have.